

1. Introduction

Flattered AB ("Flattered") is committed to protecting your privacy as a customer, website visitor, or other third party – such as, for example, a contact person in a business or organisation with which Flattered cooperates.

Flattered therefore aims to be transparent about how it handles your personal data, so you feel safe when you make a purchase or visit our webshop. The purpose of this privacy policy is to explain how Flattered collects and uses your personal data, and how you may exercise your rights.

If you have any questions or comments regarding this privacy policy, or the processing of your personal information, please contact us via Flattered’s customer service.

2. When does Flattered collect your personal information?

Flattered may collect personal information from you when you make a purchase on the site; communicate by post, email or phone; create a subscription service account on the site; or request information from Flattered. Flattered may also automatically collect technical and user information about your devices and browsing patterns when you are interacting with the Flattered website. This data is collected using cookies, the server's logs, and other similar technology.

In addition to the personal data you provide, Flattered may collect information about you from a third party, such as a credit information agency, supervisory authority, or other publicly available database.

If you do not provide certain information when requested, Flattered may not be able to fulfill its obligations to you, or respond to your inquiries. In this event, Flattered may thus be prevented from providing you with the best possible service, as well as from fulfilling its legal obligations (such as reporting requirements).

3. What kind of information does Flattered collect?

Flattered may collect, store and use the following types of personal information about you:

- General information, as well as contact information – for example, your name, gender, telephone number, email address, physical address, and / or other contact details.

- Financial information – for example, your bank details, credit information and payment history.

- Marketing and communication related information – for example, your preferences regarding receiving marketing communications from Flattered and / or third parties; account information, if you have signed up for Flattered's subscription service; correspondence details, if you have been in contact with Flattered's customer service; and / or other similar information.

- Technical data – for example, your IP address; login details; browser type and version; time zone and location settings; browser plugins; operating system, platform, and other technologies your devices may use to access the Flattered website.

- Usage data – for example, information about how you use Flattered's website, as well as your purchase history.

4. How does Flattered use your personal information?

Flattered may use your personal information to:

- Manage and fulfill its contractual and legal obligations to you, or to the company you represent – for example, when handling warranty claims.

- Meet its reporting requirements – for example, when following accounting rules and regulations, and submitting declarations to tax and other regulatory authorities.

- Answer your questions and inquiries.

- Validate the legal age requirement for online purchases.

- Determine, exercise, or defend its legal rights.

Processing of your personal data outside of legal or contractual obligations will be based on Flattered's legitimate interest in:

- Providing you with marketing related communications – in the form of newsletters and other publications via email or similar technology, and regarding Flattered's business, as well as general information that may be of interest to you.

- Analysing statistical data to study how visitors use Flattered's website, in order to improve its features and services.

- Managing Flattered's daily business needs.

Flattered engages Klarna Bank AB (“Klarna”) as its payment partner, therefore providing several payment solutions to you as a customer. Regardless of the payment method chosen on the Flattered website, your personal data will be handled and protected by Klarna. For questions regarding how your personal data is managed when making a payment, we refer you to Klarna's customer service at + 46 8-120 120 10.

You can also read about Klarna's Data Protection Policy here.

Your personal data will only be used for the purpose of which it was collected, unless Flattered reasonably believes that it may be used for any other reason that is consistent with the original purpose. If Flattered sees the need to use your personal data for an unrelated purpose, you will be notified before further processing of your data is conducted.

5. To whom does Flattered provide your personal information?

In addition to the disclosures reasonably necessary for the purposes stated elsewhere in this Privacy Policy, Flattered may disclose information about you in the following ways:

- To Flattered's service providers – for example, logistics, payments, marketing, and technical support, all of which may only process your personal data on behalf of Flattered.

- To the extent that Flattered is obliged to do so in accordance with applicable law.

- In connection with any ongoing or future legal proceedings.

- In order to establish, exercise, or defend Flattered's legal rights.

Over and above what is stated in this privacy policy, Flattered will not disclose your personal data to third parties.

6. Where does Flattered collect and store your personal information?

Your personal information and email address will be collected and stored in our e-commerce, mailing, and business systems. Klarna Bank AB will also collect and store this information in its internal systems.

7. How does Flattered protect your personal information?

Flattered will take appropriate security measures to prevent accidental or illegal loss, destruction, alteration, unauthorised access to, or disclosure of, your personal data. However, Flattered cannot guarantee full security for data sent over the Internet, since data transmission is in its nature uncertain.

8. For how long does Flattered save your personal data?

Flattered only saves your personal data as long as it is required to achieve the purpose for which it was collected, or if it is required to comply with any form of mandatory storage periods, in accordance with applicable law.

9. What rights do you have?

9.1 Access to your personal data

Keep in mind that you may, at any time, request access to, and / or retrieve, information that Flattered has stored about you. You have the right to know what it has stored; to what purpose; and for how long it intends to save this information.

9.2 Corrections, deletions, and objections

You have the right to request that Flattered correct any incorrect information about you; delete information that is no longer relevant to the purpose for which it was collected; and / or oppose Flattered's processing of your personal data. However, certain legal obligations may prevent Flattered from immediately deleting specific types of information.

If Flattered has processed your personal data based on your consent, you may withdraw said consent at any time.

9.3 Opting out of direct marketing

You always have the right to opt out of direct marketing, and to object to all processing of your personal data, based on a balancing of interests between the company and yourself.

9.3.1 Newsletters

If you, as a customer, have consented to the use of your personal data for this purpose, i.e., a subscription service, Flattered will communicate with you by email in the form of newsletters. You have the right to unsubscribe from Flattered's subscription service at any time, by withdrawing yourself from our mailing list and / or by contacting our customer service.

9.3.2 Social media

If you follow and / or interact with Flattered via third party social media such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, or Pinterest, your data will also be subject to the third party’s personal data management and privacy policies.

9.4 Complaints

You may, at any time, file a complaint with the competent supervisory authority if you consider Flattered to be in violation of applicable data protection laws with regard to your personal data.

10. Cookies

Flattered uses cookies for the purpose of gathering information about the way you use our online service, and your interests. You can configure your browser settings to reject some or all of these cookies, as well as notify you when a website uses cookies, or when they are being stored on your device. If you choose to block the use of cookies, you can still access the Flattered website. However, certain sections and features of the site may become inaccessible to you, and / or not work properly.

11. Third Parties

Flattered's website may contain links to other websites. This privacy policy does not cover third party websites that you choose to access based on links presented on the Flattered website. Flattered is not responsible for the privacy and data management policies of the third party’s website.

12. Policy Updates

Flattered reviews its privacy policy on an ongoing basis, and may choose to update it at any time. You are therefore advised to check this privacy policy periodically, to ensure that you are satisfied with the changes it may have undergone. This privacy policy was updated no later than 16-04-2019.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding this privacy policy, or Flattered’s processing of your personal information, please contact :

Flattered AB

Erik Dahlbergsallén 15

115 20 Stockholm


Organization number: 556936-9027
